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Published: July 27, 2024

FDJ unveils a “Grand Loto de Paris 2024” for the opening ceremony of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Download PDF

Boulogne, July 25, 2024 – Official partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games , FDJ is offering a Grand Loto of 15 million euros on July 26, the day of the opening ceremony 1 .

FDJ wants to contribute to bringing the French together around the world's biggest sporting event and to making this event a great celebration. For this special day, the game bulletin has taken on new colors and Christophe Beaugrand will present this exceptional draw, on July 26 at 8:50 p.m. on TF1, in a setting inspired by the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Drawing mechanics

To complete their grid, players will have to tick five numbers out of 49 as well as a lucky number, for a stake of five euros. The jackpot of the Grand Loto de Paris 2024 will necessarily be won or shared. Indeed, if one or more players have the winning combination, the jackpot of 15 million euros will go to them. Otherwise, the sum will be shared between the winners of the lower prize ranks. In order to make this party unforgettable, one hundred players will also be drawn and will win 20,000 euros each, thanks to their Grand Loto code.

Since its launch in 2017, this is the first time that a Grand Loto has been set up for a period other than the Christmas holidays.


“Objectif Or”, the FDJ scratch card game for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Since the beginning of July, the Group has also been marketing “Objectif Or” 1 , a 5 euro scratch card allowing players to win up to 500,000 euros.


1 Official licensed product