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Published: March 8, 2019

RFP: Connecticut Lottery Instant Ticket Printing Request for Proposal #CLC201903


The Connecticut Lottery Corporation (“CLC”) is soliciting price proposals and work plans from qualified and responsible vendors for Instant Ticket printing. This request is not an offer and does not obligate the CLC to negotiate with any vendor or make an award. Unless and until a written contract is signed by the CLC and the successful vendor, the CLC shall have no obligations. The sole CLC point of contact for the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) prior to the award of any Contract is Purchasing Officer Suzanne Colley. Please direct all questions regarding this RFP to her only by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Contact with any other CLC employee or officer, or any member of the Lottery Board of Directors, or State of Connecticut official concerning this RFP may result in disqualification.