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Published: December 21, 2018

RFP: UPDATE 12/21 Multi-State Lottery Association Mechanical Draw Machines 2019


Mechanical Draw Machine RFP Questions and Answers 

The following questions were received in response to the Multi-State Lottery Association Mechanical Draw Machine 2019 Request for Proposal.  All bidders who received a copy of the RFP are receiving a copy of the submitted questions and the responses provided by MUSL.  The questions are as follows: 

Q:        Should we consider a new or existing set/graphical background design in our recommendations?

 A:  MUSL has no current plans to change the graphics package that is used to air the Powerball draws.  To view the graphics package and background design used for Powerball drawings, please go to

 Q:        If these machines are replacing existing machines, is it MUSL's objective to show the public that machines have been replaced? Or is it MUSL's objective to show no visual change in the machines?

 A:  MUSL will be completely transparent with lotteries and players about the new drawing equipment. MUSL may at its sole discretion issue a press release announcing the change in draw equipment.

Q:        Does MUSL desire to entertain both gravity mix and air mix options for these new machines? 

A:  MUSL would prefer the use of gravity mix, but would consider the air mix options. 

Mechanical Draw Machine RFP Questions and Answers 

The following questions were received in response to the Multi-State Lottery Association Mechanical Draw Machine 2019 Request for Proposal.  All bidders who received a copy of the RFP are receiving a copy of the submitted questions and the responses provided by MUSL.  The questions are as follows: 

Q:        Should we consider a new or existing set/graphical background design in our recommendations? 

A:  MUSL has no current plans to change the graphics package that is used to air the Powerball draws.  To view the graphics package and background design used for Powerball drawings, please go to 

Q:        If these machines are replacing existing machines, is it MUSL's objective to show the public that machines have been replaced? Or is it MUSL's objective to show no visual change in the machines?

 A:  MUSL will be completely transparent with lotteries and players about the new drawing equipment. MUSL may at its sole discretion issue a press release announcing the change in draw equipment.

 Q:        Does MUSL desire to entertain both gravity mix and air mix options for these new machines? 

A:  MUSL would prefer the use of gravity mix, but would consider the air mix options. 


Multi-State Lottery Association
Mechanical Draw Machines 2019
The Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL) is seeking a qualified, responsible Bidder to provide
equipment, which will be used to conduct lottery drawings. The equipment should be delivered to
our production studio located in Tallahassee, Florida no later than Wednesday, May 1, 2019.
The successful Bidder will be expected to enter into a written agreement with MUSL within 60 days
of selection; however, final selection of the successful bidder will be contingent upon the completion
of background checks and MUSL’s review and acceptance of the results of the background checks.
Proposals shall consist of two (2) Submittals along with an electronic copy of the proposals via disk
or thumb drive. The two (2) Submittals shall be provided in two separate sealed envelopes: the
Technical Submittal and the Cost Submittal. Bidders’ Proposals will be received up until 3:00 p.m.
CT on January 11, 2019. Sealed bids should be submitted to:
4400 NW Urbandale Drive
Urbandale, IA 50322
Bidders are encouraged to visit to review MUSL’s organizational structure and mission.