Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy   Posted July 5, 2018

PGRI, Inc., Public Gaming International Magazine, and the principals Susan and Paul Jason, care deeply about your privacy and endeavor to be fully transparent about the way in which your personal data are collected and used. PGRI, Inc. is committed to the spirit as well as the letter of the laws (GDPR and ePrivacy Regulation in the EU and others that apply in other regions of the world) and ensuring compliance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations at all times.  When PGRI, Inc. collects and uses your personal data, it acts as a data controller.  The data collected is primarily limited to names, e-mail addresses, and postal addresses.  PGRI’s postal mail lists and e-mail lists are never sold, given, or otherwise conveyed for purposes other than to send Public Gaming International Magazine, PGRI’s  e-newsletter, or personal communiques from PGRI CEO Paul Jason.  PGRI further commits to protection of all personal data, complete transparency as regards to how personal data is used, and respect for and immediate response to requests to be removed from postal mail and e-mail lists or any other matter that involves the use of personal information. 

PGRI, Inc. is incorporated in the state of Washington, United States. 

Paul Jason, Chief Executive Officer, PGRI, Inc.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Susan Jason, President, PGRI, Inc. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

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